All new kindred who come into San Francisco proper must meet with the Prince to declare their intention.He has centuries of experience in navigating Camarilla politics. He organized what elders were left and slowly organized a new Primogen and declared himself prince.
Prince Giovanni quickly made decrees that ensured that the city could re-build.
- No mortals are to be embraced whatsoever on pain of blood hunt
- The Jiang-Shi, the kindred of China Town, are to be left alone. No kindred may enter there upon pain of final death.
- The Primogen will encourage and help other kindred establish themselves in places of power. The former Prince did not encourage this. Only by this type of control may we truly be the rulers we once were.
- The Prince will treat the Primogen as equals, taking their advice under consideration and keep a strong balance between the clans.
- All new kindred who come into San Francisco proper must meet with the Prince to declare their intention.
- Upon the Prince's absence from the city, the vice regent will be Lazo Gajic of Clan Tremere.
- There are 5 Elysium declared in the city. These places are sacred and the Prince will not tolerate ANY violence on their grounds on pain of Cordo Obitus. The Elysium are: Club CORE at the Pyramid, Mystique Mansion of Lombard St, Palace of Fine Arts, Club Hell at the Salesforce Tower, and COIT Tower.
The Primogen of San Francisco was formed in 2002 and is a strong, cohesive force in the city. All clans are equally represented with many interests being controlled city wide.