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A month has past since the battle of Golden Gate Park where the Sabbat where defeated and sent scattered to the winds. An alliance between the Prince's Primogen, Justicar Kent and the newly resurrected Dean Hawkes crushed the Sabbat war party. With the Sabbat on their heels (for now), what will San Fransisco look like moving forward?
What will happen when Old meets New?
Cliff McClosky: an Inconnu Informant
Alex last session.
In this session, Part 4 came to a dramatic end for the players. They had been working hard to solidify their power base in Carson City by manipulating mortal affairs. The players had managed to control several key busniesses in Carson including the bank, the telegraph, the land title office while also finishing the construction on their Primogen building (Vault) and started the construction of the new Elysium.
The players learnt that Julia the Gangrel was happy to remain independent within the city and had no desire to sit on the Primogen. Vanguard too expressed that he would be leaving Carson as he had long lost his “lust for mortal and kindred” politics.
Arlo reported back that the gold claim had been very successful and that within a week, the first delivery of ore would be made. Arlo estimated that the claim would be worth about $500 000 (or 25 Million in 2024) and would take several years to realize its full potential.
Max, Valmont and Jarivs are hanging out in Amelia’s hotel when they learn that a new stage coach has arrived in the city. They go to investigate and note that a beautiful red headed women (Kayleen Easter) and her son (Joshua) have arrived from back East. Kayleen has several trunks with her and it looks like she is “moving in.” The players introduce themselves and invite Kayleen to Mooney's Bar and Brothel (Amelia’s place) once she is settled in. Valmont uses his Auspex and notes that she is a kindred. The boy, Joshua, appears as an 11 year old blonde child but ends up giving the players a look that they understand as “threatening”. They surmise that Joshua may be kindred as well.
As the players head back to Mooney's,, they note that one of the males who was travelling in the stage coach with Kayleen and Joshua, was dead. The coach rider says “he was sick. Must have died from consumption.” The players are all to familiar with this type of coverup and figure out that either or both Kayleen and Joshua must have killed the man during the trip to Carson.
Kayleen visits the players and Amelia and they chat. Max reveals that they know she is kindred and then he states that he and the others have been in Carson for some time, seeking their fortune in gold. Kayleen listens and gleans a lot of information from Max- who continues to talk. Eventually the chat focuses on Carson and that it has a Primogen and prince and that they are trying to rid the town of the unseen Inquisition. Kayleen states that she has the ability to help the Primogen rid the city of the Inquisitin as she has a detailed past doing so.
Kayleen states that if she rids the city of the inquisition threat, that she wants to sit on the Primogen as well. The players state that they will discuss with the prince and other members.
The players meet at the Vault (the Primogen headquarters) and decide to add Ban to their council and also elect Enzo Dante as the “figure head Prince”. They agree that if Kayleen fulfils her part of the bargain , they will bring her on.anaged to control several key busniesses in Carson including the bank, the telegraph, the land title office while also finishing the construction on their Primogen building (Vault) and started the construction of the new Elysium.
The players learnt that Julia the Gangrel was happy to remain independent within the city and had no desire to sit on the Primogen. Vanguard too expressed that he would be leaving Carson as he had long lost his “lust for mortal and kindred” politics.
Arlo reported back that the gold claim had been very successful and that within a week, the first delivery of ore would be made. Arlo estimated that the claim would be worth about $500 000 (or 25 Million in 2024) and would take several years to realize its full potential.
Max, Valmont and Jarivs are hanging out in Amelia’s hotel when they learn that a new stage coach has arrived in the city. They go to investigate and note that a beautiful red headed women (Kayleen Easter) and her son (Joshua) have arrived from back East. Kayleen has several trunks with her and it looks like she is “moving in.”
The players introduce themselves and invite Kayleen to Mooney's Bar and Brothel (Amelia’s place) once she is settled in. Valmont uses his Auspex and notes that she is a kindred. The boy, Joshua, appears as an 11 year old blonde child but ends up giving the players a look that they understand as “threatening”. They surmise that Joshua may be kindred as well.
As the players head back to Mooney's,, they note that one of the males who was travelling in the stage coach with Kayleen and Joshua, was dead. The coach rider says “he was sick. Must have died from consumption.” The players are all to familiar with this type of coverup and figure out that either or both Kayleen and Joshua must have killed the man during the trip to Carson.
Kayleen visits the players and Amelia and they chat. Max reveals that they know she is kindred and then he states that he and the others have been in Carson for some time, seeking their fortune in gold. Kayleen listens and gleans a lot of information from Max- who continues to talk. Eventually the chat focuses on Carson and that it has a Primogen and prince and that they are trying to rid the town of the unseen Inquisition. Kayleen states that she has the ability to help the Primogen rid the city of the Inquisition as she has a detailed past doing so.
Kayleen states that if she rids the city of the inquisition threat, that she wants to sit on the Primogen as well. The players state that they will discuss with the prince and other members.
The players meet at the Vault (the Primogen headquarters) and decide to add Ban to their council and also elect Enzo Dante as the “figure head Prince”. They agree that if Kayleen fulfils her part of the bargain , they will bring her on.
Max, Valmont and Jarivis return to Kayleen and tell her that if she completes her task, they will bring her on the Primogen. As part of the stipulation, the players ask that she will need to reveal her clan. They suspect Ventrue.
A week goes by and Arlo comes back into town with 5 large chests full of gold ore with $50 000. The players decide to keep some gold in the vault (under the Primogen HQ), some in the Carson Bank and the rest in their protected Silver mine. As they are unloading, one of Amelia’s child servants knocks on the door and says “Miss Amelia wants to speak with you right away!”
The players head over to Amelia’s brothel and see her standing in front of it, looking pensive. She says that “we have a problem over at the Miner (Mr Smith’s establishment).” They head over to the Miner and discover Mr. Smith dead in the back room. He has been diabolized.
The players find Mr Smith Dead on the ground and Valmont uses his psychometry on a personal mirror to read ths last images before Smith’s death. Valmont gets an outstanding reading and finds out that Smith is a Nosferatu and sees little Joshua attack and kill him. Valmont also is shocked to discover that Joshua is actually FABIAN BULLARD. At that moment Kayleen arrives.
Kayleen states that she uncovered the “inquisition plot” and explains her findings.
Smith orchestrated the whole Inquisition plot in an attempt to keep the other kindred in the city shut in an scared. He did not like how the town was changing so fast and certainly did not like the players coming in to mix things up. While Smith was a physically weak kindred, he thought he could conjure up a threat like vampire hunters to buy him time to build his power base.
Kayleen reports that Smith hired some Chinese workers to set fire to a tent that a kindred was staying in order to eliminate him. This unfortunately almost caught the hardware store on fire. Next, Smith planted a “vampire hunter kit” to make it seem like they were in town. Smith then used a German tourist as a plant to seem like more “hunters were on their way.” In fact, the German tourist was just that-a tourist-who had nothing to do with vampires or hunting them.
Smith then decided that his slow play wasn’t scaring the other kindred so he hired 20 native warriors to attack them outright. Again, Smith underestimated the power of Max, Valmont, Julia, Amelia and the powerful Enzo and Vangard. The warriors were dispatched easily (almost that is).
Kayleen then informs the characters that after she uncovered Smith as the main antagonist of the Inquisition rouse, she spoke with Joshua. But Joshua held a particularly dark secret. He was a diabolist who met Kayleen in New York City. Kayleen had faithfully served the Sabbat for over 60 years and then they seemingly discarded her when the Camarilla set their sights on her. One evening, 4 members of a hunter team of Camarilla tracked Kayleen down near her haven and attempted to kill her. Joshua (Bullard) was part of that team. However, just as they were about to strike, Joshua turned on the other 3 members and killed them-diabolorzing them all.
Kayleen from that moment forward, owed Joshua a life boon. As part of the boon, Kayleen stipulated that the boon would only last until Joshua diabolorized 5 kindred. She was bound to “help” and also turn a blind eye to the depravity of Joshua’s tastes.
Kayleen left the Sabbat and turned anti-tribu and the two travelled from NY to Philadelphia and then made their way west. Smith was the 5th kindred and as such, Kayleen’s service to Joshua was complete.
The players then surmise that Bullard, sometime in the future, found the gold that the players obtained and somehow stole it from them-thus sparking the events of Valmont loosing his fortune, then the heist on Bullard’s haven in Oakland and the bad blood between the characters and the . (Time travel can be confusing after all).
Kayleen, having fulfilled her part of the bargain, becomes part of the Carson City Primogen and the players find out that she is a Lasombra. The Primogen solidifies their power in the Nevada Town.
For the next 24 years, the players rule the city quietly and become comfortable in their roles as Primogen members. That is until a cold January evening in 1895….
-End of Chapter 4-