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The players are reeling from the the loss of Jarvis. His death hangs heavy on them. The players have made their way back to 2024 and realize that Cerrano is a bigger threat than they had imagined. And a letter arrives answers some big questions. Destruction awaits...
- Fedor hand delivers letter in brown envelope, plastic bag, and note- Valmont grabs bottle taken from Cerano's house, just in case- go to ship, psychometery the door, perceive room, - Cerano watch not magical but still very important: - 12-22 12:03 = date time place = Cerano's house address!- secret compartment with many papers = ? contents ?- 30 blood coins (yum!) - blood coins shared +2 = 6 for Valmont blood jerkey emergency supplies- Enzo Dante hidden under Bed in Torpor! = WTF!? - Telepathy = angry, frustrated- Hold = empty!?- Mirror Frame part disguised as door frame!- Mirror Glass part in ceiling of ship!- So still missing Metal Base/Pedestal?- ? Vanguard = Kiren + Flick? (crazy theory?) (same or different dude?)- Draco tell of Vanguard, no lies, gave dagger - he tells of ShrekNet (Vampire Internet DarkWeb)- Pyramid core nightclub- Tekki - Tremere Chick + Bahn Strahd "joining" = mind fuck! and body fuck! Nothing will ever result from this ;)- VV shirt Guy touch base, laying foundations for rebuilding wine empire (muhahahaha)- ***** Primogen Elysium done Blowed Up, Real Good ! *****- Ship lock-down safehouse (safe?)- Scroll from Pyramid pillar secret hiding spot- need to go to "original bar" (Pitt Kent) in basement- **** 1 Piece of Armor Irad **** (Mega Magic Item!) got this one piece in Egypt at great cost, Cain's son super vamp dude, any piece of this armor worn resize to fit perfectly, lost in the deluge, alien metal, dark glossy black, light + flexible, super powerful, at resting place mentioned,- find elbow guards of the flame = immune to fire!- phones out, - Fedor- Auspex Botch!- Ms. Ling (Nosferatu chick) Italian museum + ghostly Lilloette- Enhanced Senses x2 PER for 3hrs. (Bahn boost Valmont)- Remus Nosferatu dude inside with an assembled Avenging super-team: - Aemelia - Billy the Kid - Kayleen - Trout - Azul - Dean Hawks - Nobu - Arlo - Sting- vs. "Old Foe" Prince Cerano
(Game Session Aug 30 2024) (Game Date is May 5 2024).
Vampire - Session 40: 2024-10-19 Saturday
Enzo - expert on magic mirror
bring inside of Alcatrez off of boat
12 blood coins from cache to revive
- plus Bahn Strahd mentions blood bond
1939 villa in Italy last memory with Bahn
previous time lost in year 16__
Enzo tells of mirror and Cerrano
1848 Cerano comes to SF
quickly made self prince
1850 Cali = state
prince --> 1906/07 earthquake (vs mirror 1903 time travel point)
then Nathan Kent
Born Italy 1700 embraced year 17__
diablorized ancient Methusula but No Black Flecks!
created mirror to
1896 Sutro Baths open
heavily interested in
learned from Jiang Shi on of 5 points on Earth power (~ley line point)
- ? other points are __ = future info to get
killed Jiang shi to get
met Liz Bathos in 1893 world fair in Chicago
Countess Bathory
told him about mirror
enjoyed her company
learned Enhanced Temporis
betrayed her - staked
3 Hermetic mages (humans) build mirror using her blood at Baths of Sutro
mages were siphoning power from Demon
demon turned sites on Cerano (?)
pewter frame - sigils
abilities - travel back in time to 3 different points
only his blood can use it
mages built in back door - any being who has tasted his blood
mirror works
mages relied on Demon who tried to thwart
mortals can't comprehend
time travel stuff:
transversal reflex, speed limiter, can't change certain events,
pushed into new timeline, self correct
death of kindred
fix timeline
if user sought self-out
limits on mirror
~182 x years back into time
not forward in time
each time used 1 year removed from when can go back to
used 28 times (?) prior ~5,000 years old equivalent (math?)
7th Generation in 17__
Diablorized 3 times = 4th Generation Methusula! Cerano super-villain
likely/logical use of mirror to live out life (~century+ per time trip)
+ return to when left,
Ceranno addicted to using mirror
1896-1906 used 28 times
last seen ~ earthquake
house fell into disrepair
mirror taken by Jiangshi, at wing-kong exchange
walkthrough mirror, mirror stays in present
Dean Hawks knows ChinaTown, has the "Chinese Connections"
Graf and Shreknet
Val _ Max Zodiac boat --> Italian Museum
Lilloette lead stealth shushing
lying with night-vision binoculars watching museum
Aura read = highly suspicious kindred
Max ambush - epic rush with the shittiest roll evar (1 success on 19 dice!)
Spy is Sabbat brand = spiked ankh last seen at house when rescue Azul/Fedor
Val grabs night binoc
interrogate spy by Max and Arlo
Val Telepathy - Cerano and Sunlight fear
Arlo drinks vamp blood (maybe reason still 'forever young'?)
Max entrances/charms vehicle driver to take and drive away
Elysisum back door train tracks
meet up with Graf
on camera he found that besides Luka (tight shirt Tremere scum)
also of 5 shooting firey bolts under Cerranno's command in sky were:
Genevene Dore - Toreador tall wine drink
Dyson Rinsler - Tremere linebacker build
frickin' Horsemen work for Cerranno! WTF!
who are other 2 of 5?
take Bahn's Mustang Fedor super-car to docks
steal boat --> Alcatrez
arrive, talk
Azul receives message from Vanguard
The Players (Ban, Valmont and Max) arrive back at Alcatraz and Azul tells them that Vanguard has sent a cryptic message via ShreckNet. It reads "The base of the mirror is found at the base of your Elysium-Vanguard". The players suspect that Vanguard is guiding them to the final piece of the second mirror of Cerrano.
The players then discuss with Enzo, Lazo, Remus and Dean Hawkes a plan to destroy the mirrors and also track down Cerrano. After some time, it is decided that Dean Hawkes will visit China Town and speak directly with Ling Hong of the Jiang Shi. He will present the idea of bringing to second mirror to them and hopefully destroy both in the process. The players deduced that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Dean will be accompanied by Remus, Arlo, Amelia, and Kayleen.
The Players and Enzo and Lazo discuss that if they construct the second mirror, they could assemble it and travel back in time and try to confront Cerrano when he is at his weakest. Enzo states that he could read the sigils on the mirror and could find his first usage of the the mirror. They players plan to travel back in time, find Cerrano and attempt to kill him. They then plan to "live their lives" (if they survive) and return to San Francisco so they can help take the mirror to the Jiang Shi and destroy it.
The players speculate that facing the mirrors to each other will cause them to be destroyed.
Felica adds that she will provide the players a weapons stash to bring back with them to the past. She along with Billy, Azul and Fedor head to her warehouse to gather these and bring them to the Elysium.
Lazo tells Ban that he has an accent text at his home that has a Thaumaturigcal path called Path of the Anti-Deluvian which allows the Tremere who possess it to track accient kindred 6th Gen or below. They will need this to find Cerrano in the past. Unfortunately, The text only contains up to the 3rd level-which what they need to track Cerrano. Ban agrees to learn this path from Lazo.
The Players then note that Graf is the other kindred who can travel through the mirror as he has drank the blood of Cerrano. The players attend their Elysium with Lazo and Enzo and ask Graf to join them. He accepts. Valmont leaves the bottle of Cerrano's blood with Enzo and Lazo.
Max rescues Javis with his celerity and jumps into the pool with him
Ban defeats Luca and kills him
Valmont shoots Geneva Dore in the head twice with spectacular rolls and begins to diabolize her just outside the Italian Museum with Lilloete present.
Because of Max's sudden "veering off the time stream", each player was sent to their own "fate Bubble" to deal with a particularly difficult task.
Ban emerged inside the Tremere Chantry in 1903 (San Fransisco) where Luca (the Tremere renegade and traitor) was able to slip into the past and surprised Lazo Gajic while he sat in the Chantry library. When Ban walked through the time tunnel, Lazo was already staked through the heart and Luca had poised to drive a second stake through Lazo's head. Ban was able to stop Luca and save Lazo from final death.
Valmont emerged just outside of the Italian Museum in San Fransisco in 2024 and saw Geneva Dore, of the Sabbat death squad, walking towards the museum. With increadly luck and sill, Valmont was about to shoot Geneva twice incapacitating her. Then, before she could heal, Valmont pounced and diabolized her!
Max emerged in the ocean with Javis and Ban just outside of Alexandria in 1898. The three made their way to Ban's ship, the Fortalisia where they chatted about the oddities of time travel. Ban decided to go and fly about Alexandria to see if the Setites were still roaming the streets. Max and Javis stayed behind to discuss how they would spent the next 125+ years until they "got back to" 2024 San Fransisco.
Just as the three characters were all separated in time and space, each one was visited by the time traveller Ticker and Ban's "future self" Cliff McClosky. Cliff and Ticker told each of the players the same thing:
Ticker stated that Enzo Dante's initial hypothesis that Cerrano first used the mirror to travel to 1898 London was no longer a viable option for the players to intercept him there. Cerrano somehow became aware of the players intention was was able to alter his mirror to take him any place or time. Cerrano was able to break the fail safe's placed on the mirror by the Jiang Shi and the mages who initially created the mirror for Cerrano.
Cliff states, rather melancholy, that there is only one option available to stop Cerrano. They must travel back to 1898 Carson Nevada where they will lure Cerrano to the ghost town Dayton. There, they will attempt to kill him. There is one catch however: While Cerrano and the players are engaged in fighting, all the mirrors that exist will be destroyed, effectively trapping everyone in that specific timeline.
Cliff states that he and the future incarnations of the players spoke with Gamiel, the demon trapped under Cerrano's home and the being who helped create the mirror. Gamiel gave the players information about the mirrors and how to best destroy Cerrano. With Cerrano destroyed, Gamiel will be free of his service of the ancient Tremere.
Cliff says that making a "deal with the devil was the only solution. Then, the players each have a portal appear and they each enter it-bring them back to 1898 Carson City.
Max, Valmont, Ban, Jarvis and Graf travel back to Carson and arrive on September 30 18≥……≥ˆ……98-two weeks after they left to Philadelphia. The have a brief interaction with a strange, tall kindred named Vladimir who says he is just 'taking in the sights of American cities".
The group then gathers Enzo, Amelia and Kayleen and tells them that Cerrano is coming to Carson to hunt them. They explain that Cerrano is a diabolist and has been listed as the most wanted by the inner circle. The group devises a plan to lure Cerrano to Dayton.
The players devise a plan to attack Cerrano when he makes his way to Dayon. Valmont uses his astral projection to wait in Carson until Cerrano arrives. After Cerrano visits the Elysium in Carson, he gets into his horse drawn carriage and rides to Dayton. Valmont follows at distance and eventual warns the players that "Cerrano is 1 mile out".
Cerrano stops at the end of street and gets out of the carriage. He exclaims "we finally meet" in the most sinister way.
He reaches into his jacket and pulls out the crucible that the players drank from years before. Cerrano then drops it to the ground and crushes it underfoot. Immediately, Jarvis, Ban, Max, Valmont and Graf feel the effects of this and all loose several disciple dots each.
Cerrano then says "The time has come...."
The final battle with Cyrano commences and each of the players takes cover in individual buildings within Dayton. After Cyrano destroys the chalice, each player feels the effects immediately and they randomly loose some discipline dots because of it. Max looses 1 point of Potence and 2 points of fortitude. Ban looses 1 point of potence and Valmont losses 2 points of presence. Storm clouds begin to gather around the town and then at that moment an exact copy of each player shows up next to each of them. They literally fight themselves in the first phase of the attack.
Ban is incapacitated, Max kills his double and Valmont plays a game of chance with his doppelganger.
Max encounters Harland Park under the sheriff’s office and kills him. Max discovers that Park has a backpack full of explosives and it appears that he was going to attempt to blow the PCs up. After this, Max runs to the building where Jarvis was and discovers that he is badly wounded but faced off and killed the REVENANT. The players realize that that Cyrano has brought with him some of his pawns from modern times.
The players and Graf all gather in a building and Graf uses his animalism to call rats to investigate the city. They find Cyrano and what appears to be Renwick the Nosferatu hunkered down in the other side of town. The players discuss sending the horse and carriage Cyrano entered the town with, towards the ancient mage. They plan on detonating the C4 in an attempt to kill him.
The players then discover a partially erected mirror in one of the buildings. They find Kayleen and Arlo dead, killed by Cyrano more than likely. The players find that they are simply out matched.
Then, on the horizon, two figures emerge: Lazo Gajic and Nathan Kent. Lazo informs the character that Cyrano has broken all conventions of time and has consorted with himself and informed past versions of what is to come. Lazo states that Nathan Kent will face the fully powered and ancient Cyrano here in town while the rest of the group will head west toward San Francisco to confront the lesser and younger Cyrano in his haven.