Signed in as:
Signed in as:
For nearly 25 years, Ban, Jarvis, Valmont and Max have sat on the Primogen of Carson City. The date is Jan 20 1895 and the group has solidified their power in their small Nevada town. The Gold has dried up and things appear to be peaceful. However, the world is about to change and the players will encounter their most dangerous foe yet....
On a cold day in January 1895, the players receive a telegram that reads “Go to the City of Brotherly Love (Philadelphia) and seek out Jackson Booker. He can be found in Elfreth’s Alley. This is a very important mission as it pertains to the reflection in the City by the Bay.-Vanguard”. After nearly 25 years in Carson City, the players decide to head to Philadelphia on the request of Vanguard. They players surmise that “reflects” is a code word for the Mirror of Cerrano-the relic that transported the players back in time.
Before the players leave, Enzo Dante requests the players to bring a unique letter opener to the Prince of that city-Jacob Shallus. Enzo states that he is writing a book called the ARCANE VAULT, which is a list of magic items found in the world of darkness. Shallus is needed to co author the book and the letter opener is a gift for him.
Ban has a few things to tie up before he leaves Carson and will follow the rest of the players a few days later.
The players take a train to Philadelphia and land at the train station. Whilst there, they note a “hobo looking man” who appears to be taking notes and watching the new arrivals in the city. The players suspect that he is a lookout for the kindred community. While debarking off the train, the players see three tall, thin and seemingly robotic men who take a particular interest in the train car the players got off from. Max confronts them and tells them to leave. Valmont uses his auspex and discovers that they are not kindred but have a deep air of magic around them. Valmont discovers the name “Grimaldi” associated to the 3 men.
Max also notes that there are Brujah symbols carved into the ceiling of the grand central train station. Max, Valmont and Jarvis follow the hobo out of the train station whilst their luggage is brought to the Fairmont Hotel in downtown Philly. The hobo leads the players to an alley where he disappears into what looks like a “speakeasy bar”. Max bribes the bouncer at the door and the players enter the OPEL and PEARL Lounge.
The players discover that the OPEL and PEARL is an Elysium run by the very charismatic Gilles. The bar is fantastically decorated and well stocked. Gilles and the players hit it off and Gilles tells the players where the Prince can be found to present themselves to him. The hobo appears to inform Gilles “rat looking manager” some information and then is quickly escorted off the property. Valmont and Gilles talk wine and Valmont notes that Gilles is just as knowledgeable in wines as he is.
The players settle in at the hotel and all buy modern suits to reflect the times and then head to the Prince’s haven to present themselves. They talk about how they have missed the city life, as Philadelphia is a massive metropolis. As they approached the Prince’s haven, they see two men attempted to pry open the front door. Max quickly kills one of them whilst the other soils himself and faints. The door opens and a butler ushers them in and also pulls in the two human thugs.
The players meet Prince Jacob Shallus, an older and quirky vampire who seemingly lives in a giant book filled grand room. Books line the walls and floor. A glass case houses the US Constitution as one of Shallus main prizes. Shallus is given the letter opener. Shallus is told about the 3 men at the station and he states “that is Cerberus, three members of the Grimaldi Ghoul family. A powerful revenant sect that has magically abilities and works for clan Tzimisce. The players bid the Prince goodbye but not before he tells them to stay away from the Delaware River as there is much danger along its shores.
Finally, the players go to Elfreth’s Alley and find Booker. They speak with Booker in his home and he states that their mission is to travel to Taiwan and bring a message to someone in St Cuthbert’s Monastery. Booker hands a sealed scroll to the players.
Booker indicates that they will leave Philadelphia in 4 days where they are booked passage on an ocean liner to the far east!
The Players spend nearly 3 months at sea to get to Taipei. They finally arrive to see 9 Japanese warships in the harbor. The Japan-Sino War is over and Japan has annexed Taiwan and Taipei is now under Imperial control. They players debark and meet their contact, Hua. She takes them to St Cuthbert's monastery. When the players arrive, they do note Jiang Shi symbols on the walls. A warrior monk named Yang, with flowing long hair greets them and gives them a scroll. He tells them that they must delivery it to the princess, who is help under house arrest in the castle.
The players are given a key to the secret doors of the castle. The players infiltrate the castle and see ninjas on the grounds. Once inside, the players meet Jan Sobashi, a high ranking Assamite who was ordered to rescue the Princess by an unnamed employer.
The Players find the princess and she receives the scroll from them. After reading it, she tells the players to visit the Silver Smith in the centre of town to get the backing of Cerrano's mirror. HE gives the players a medallion which will help with their 'authorization' in getting the silver backing.
The Players, Princess and Ninjas escape together and head deep into the mountain forest where the ninja cam is well hidden....
The Players, with the help of Jan Sobashi and her ninjas, rescue Princess Pi from the castle. The Princess receives the letter from the players and tells them that they must go to the silver smith in the middle of Taipei to retrieve the silver backing for Cerrano's mirror. She gives the players a medallion to present to the owner of the shop-this will allow them to get the backing.
The Players escort the Princess back to a hide out in the forest where they meet Mahatma-an ancient Assamite who was hired to rescue the Princess from the castle. Mahatma states that he, Jan, the ninjas and the Princess will leave Taipei the following evening. Should the players need he help of the Assamites to escape Taipei, they can return to the camp and leave with Mahatma and his crew (for a price of course).
Ban, Valmont and Jarvis then head to the Silver Smith. While investigating the buildings, they note a building that is giving off "magic"-about 4 house down from the silver smith. The magic hut has a ghoul hawk and two dogs that are guarding it.
The Players enter the Silver Smith building and find it empty. However, they note that the doorway of the Silver Smith is covered with Tremere wards. Valmont suggest that Ban hide in the Portable Hole bag to protect himself. The plan works and the players enter the back room and discover a door in the floor. They enter the sub-basement and walk down a narrow corridor. They discover a poison gas trap (obviously for humans). They travel about 100 feet and find them selves in a workshop under the magic hut. Valmont sees the mirror backing and goes to grab it. At that moment, the walls come alive and the players are attacked by 4 Gargoyles!
A very intense battle commences and Valmont is badly injured and almost dies. However, the players escape with the mirror backing and leave 4 dead gargoyles behind.
The Players have little time to make their way back to the monastery in order to make arrangements to get back on the ship and head back to the US. But, the alarm sounds-the Japanese are aware of the Princesses abduction and the city is now on high alert....
The Players make their way back to the Monastery and say goodbye to Hua. She wishes them good luck on their journey and the Players board the Demter to head back to the US. Valmont convalesces on the ship as he heals himself from the aggravated damage he sustained at the hands of the gargoyles. For nearly 7 weeks, the players are at sea and finally dock. However, they are not in the US, they find themselves in Egypt in the port city of El Hafir. They make their way to Cairo and find a guide named Tofal.
Tofal is a young Egyptian man who is entranced by Max. Tofal is directed to find lodgings for the players and plan a route to Alexandria, where the players will make their way into Europe and finally book passage back to Philadelphia.
The Players travel for 5 days to Alexandria with Tofal. Alexandria is an ancient and spectacular city. It gives off an energy of danger, magic and deep knowledge. The Players decide that while they would love to stay in the area, they need to get back to the US. Tofal leaves in order to find a ship and safe passage into Europe. '
While sitting in a coffee shop, Max notices what can only be described as a scout standing across the street and looking at them. After about a minute, the scout leaves the area, making the players very uncomfortable. Max and Valmont then notice that the other patrons in the shop appear to be moving very slowly (about 1/10 speed). Some powers are at play. Valmont remarks that there are no people in the streets whatsoever.
Just at that moment. to cross bolt bolts narrowly miss Max from the roof top from across the street. The players quickly exit the rear of the coffee shop and run down an alley. Max can hear about a dozen would be assassins running on the rooftops above them. Then, they notice a tall, slender women standing at a door, beckoning them to enter and find shelter. Without many options, Valmont is the first to blindly enter the building, followed by Max, Ban and Jarvis.
The woman introduces herself as Mekareth-an Sabluri warrior who is one of the last defenders of Alexandria against the tide of Settites that now rule the city. Makareth explains that she felt the presence of the players and her job is to protect unknowing kindred from the clutches of the Setites.
Makareth leads the players down 40 feet to a grand room where the players will remain safe. The room is lavish with many books, tables and ornate statues. In the centre of the room lies a large 6 foot diameter glass dome which appears to cover a well of water. The water is a brilliant blue and completely calm.
Max and Valmont then hear a low hum coming from the bag of holding and pull out the rolled up silver backing that was stored in it. The players unravel the silver backing until it "snaps into solid form". It continues to give off a low hum. The players then notice that the closer they get the backing to the well, an image on it becomes more prominent. They lean the backing against the well and can clearly see CERRANO, with his back tuned, sitting at his desk writing something. Fearing that he may see them, the players pull the backing away from the well.
Is this a portal to where Cerrano is?
Just ask that revelation hits, the well glass breaks and the blue water turns black. A figure burst forward from it. A tall, strong Setite wearing a snakes mask. This Setite then attacks all 4 members of the party. The players realize that the power of this Setite is far beyond what they have previously encountered.
A fight for their lives commences....and the most dangerous battle yet!.....
The Players start the evening and adventure where they left off-at the beginning of a battle with a powerful Setite in the underground Sabluri safe haven. It was 4 against one.
Valmont's had a near perfect Head Shot that dropped the Setite at the beginning of the round. The rest of the players attempted to attack the enemy but were unable to get going in that first round. The Setite healed and stood up again and the players attacked once again with Valmont AGAIN dropping the Follower of Set.
After some very tense moments, the players do enough damage to place the Setite in torpor. Ban reads the blood of the Setite and discovers he is 8th generation. Valmont diabolizes the enemy and lowers down to 9th generation! After the kill, the players begin to investigate the room.
Max discovers to wooden boxes about the size of bourbon boxes, sitting on a table. One is filled with black sand and the other with red sand. The red corse sand substance appears to be different than the Powder of Rigidity sand the players already possess. Valmont uses his psychometry on the box and "sees" the Sabluri pouring the sand into the box but does not touch it. Max finds a long metal pole and stirs the black sand box and discovers it is about 5 feet deep-despite its appearance on the outside. Max can feel something at the bottom of the box but does not know what it is.
Valmont looks around notices wooden box/crate in corner with 13 clan symbols as the most interesting thing in the room. Ban does not get a magical reading from the box whatsoever but does notice a statue on another table that glows brightly.
Clan Symbol Box, carefully opened, has 13 skulls inside on straw, some distinctively different (black one, Nosferatu one, etc.) Ban can not get a magic reading from the box of skulls and the skulls spear to have a representative for each of the clans a feeling a dread and hopelessness consumes Ban as he is barely able to stuff the black skull into the box while it’s re forming.
Statue on Table Valmont utterly Botches Psychometry and is pricked and bleeds on statue, turns out it is a golem that grows and crushes table standing on. Valmont orders statue to protect him but nothing appears to happen. The players decide that they want to try and take the Golem but note is over 1500 lbs in weight. They then attempt to throw their bag of holding over it.
Just as that is happening, Mekareth, the Sabluri woman, enters the room and catches party "red handed" with statue part way in the bag!! She orders party to leave vault and withdraws her protection from the Setties in the city. She was not happy with the players messing around with the room but was seeming open to an explanation and some back and forth ensued until she saw the diablorized carcass.
The players continue to leave but Max trails behind and impulsively says "don't open the wooden crate"-referring to the 13 clan symbol box in the corner. Mekareth seems VERY perturbed and opens the crate and pulls out one of the skulls! It begins to reform and Max runs to catch up with the others. The players notice several dead setites on the steps up to the surface. ITappears that the Sabluri has killed several of them in defense of her haven.
AS the players make their way to the exit, they feel a rush of wind pass them. Valmont's auspex notices an otherwise invisible old guy in silver armor with blue cloth blocking the exit and warns party. Jarvis makes the executive decision to get the fuck out of Dodge, walks right through the invisible spirit guy standing at the exit door-the other players follow.
Valmont then realizes that they foolishly left the Silver Mirror reflective back unrolled in Mekareth's Vault room!!!
They walk down the alley but are worried about how to get past city full of Settites on the alert. Valmont suggests that the players jump in the bag and Ban can fly high enough to avoid the Setites. While in the air, Ban can see that the streets are organized in the shape of the Setite Clan Symbol. He realizes that Alexandria truly is in control of the Followers of Set!
Ban flies to the docks and the players decide to entrance the crew of a ship called the "Fortalsia" and take it over where they start to plan to return to get silver backing of the mirror...
The Players plan their return to the Sabluri Vault to retrieve the mirror backing.
Having realized that they need the backing, they once again risk exposing themselves to the Setites and the mysterious Sabluri guardian. Max, Jarvis, Valmont and Ban return to the building. Once inside, they head to vault door 40 feet below the surface. They are unhindered in their approach. Once they reach the room once again, they notice that the configuration of the vault has changed! IT no longer looks like it did the day before.
They note it's more menacing and dark and physically looks different. There is a wall well in the centre of the room (like the previous room, but everything seems different. The players note the following differences: