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Signed in as:
January 1, 1983 is considered the official birthday of the Internet. Prior to this, the various computer networks did not have a standard way to communicate with each other. A new communications protocol was established called Transfer Control Protocol / Internetwork Protocol (TCP/IP). This allowed different kinds of computers on different networks to "talk" to each other. ARPANET and the Defense Data Network officially changed to the TCP/IP standard on January 1, 1983, hence the birth of the Internet.
All networks could now be connected by a universal language.
The history of the internet is revisionist at best. The majority of what the world uses is our creation. The first iteration of the SchreckNet (Ver. 1.0) was launch on January 1 1983 as well. Since that time, our network has collected nearly every single piece of digital information that has been sent, coded or created around the world. We are visionaries who were able to see and plan your future. As such, nothing is beyond our grasp.
Think of the SchreckNet as the veil behind the internet (as you know it). Or, as the road that brings information to you. As you can imagine, we see a lot of things as they pass by.
In 1994, the SchreckNet was updated and expanded. We created a network that worked 100x faster that what the public had access to at that time. We purposely kept processing speeds at much slower pace in order to control the network. Simply put, it was the equivalent of using an iPhone 16 back in 1994 while the rest of the world was still buying Netscape and AOL for web browser packages. The SchreckNet was firmly and deeply imbedded in library data bases, government branches, and military infrastructure.
*We not only created the dark web, but we launched DarkR Web*.DarkR Web is the "web under the web" or the deepest and most secure platform for computer interchange. We have funded Anonymous, hackers, pheakers and internet anarchists since from their infancy. We are their teachers. The DarkR Web is how we trade information and control the world, There is nothing you can do to stop it-that's why we have no fear speaking about it.
In 2008, a united USSOCOM and Vatican ESOG force teams infiltrated the SchreckNet while simultaneously storming information hubs in Vienna. They destroyed it, blaming it as a terror attack via public news outlets. It was widely circulated that the SchreckNet was compromised and that all the information WE had gathered had fallen into the hands of our enemies. We let you believe that for years. The truth was we had anticipated this breach and had already moved to quantum computing. The SchreckNet didn't "fall", we turned it into vacuum where we were sucked even more information from networks, shadow governments and other power brokers,.
We never fell...we dragged you down to the deepest depths of the SchreckNet .
Now, right now, your smart phones, appliances, computers, tvs and literally every piece of technology you use has been compromised by us. We are trading information on the DarkR WEB more than ever. Every organization on Earth uses the SchreckNet to find information...for a price. It's laughable when you speak about powerful billionaires. Money isn't power-information is. You have no idea how powerful WE truly are.
We are among you. You may have friends or associates that are part of the SchreckNet . Some use the DarkR Web regularly. Look out for our symbol. Seek each other out. And maybe you will find yourself on the underside of the web-the SchreckNet.