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Signed in as:
Before Ambrogino Giovanni took over, the Purge set the city ablaze. What is known of those three days is that an organized pack of Lupines (werewolves) rained down on the city from the outskirts, killing numerous kindred in their path. Some say it was a dozen Garou, fully enraged who tore through the city and erupted in a violence not seen since the fall of Rome.
The confusion of how and why the purge happened is still open for debate but what is known is that many powerful kindred were destroyed in the days that followed. The Purge really speaks to not just kindred who lost their lives during that time, but the mortals, and other denizens of the night who perished.
The Purge Pack was a combinations of Lupine, Sabbat and Anarchs who left their mark on the city. The utter destruction and hell they raised made even the Malkavian question its reasoning.
The initial purge lasted a full 3 days and 3 nights. Elders were torn apart. Neonates were fed upon and diabolrized. Havens were burnt to the ground. And Nathan Kent, the once powerful Prince of San Francisco, was eviscerated when he was ambushed in his lair, during the day, by 6 powerful Garou.
The Primogen was fragmented, many of its members died in those first 72 hours. No amount of power can fend off that sort of fury. And the smart kindred....the ones who had been under the thumb of Kent for all those years, took it upon themselves to exact revenge during the chaos of those dark nights.
Governor Dean Hawkes, Lucinda the Gangrel, The Assassin Sting, and the magnate Andrew Greensberg all perished. Even Max, the Brujah Primogen member, fell at the hands of his very own progeny- a man only known as Torch. It was said that Vangard, the old and wise Nosferatu Primogen member, and friend of Kent, was so ashamed by not knowing of the attack before hand, that he sacrificed himself at sun up. The shame was too much for him to bare.
But in the following wake of that horrible time, some dark angels saved us from the hell that had befallen us.
A contingent of Tremere, led by a mage named Rohan Thack, was able to hunt down the lupines, using a magic that was both dark and foreboding. House Tremere was able to defeat the lupines so utterly that not one has been seen in the Bay Area in 25 years.
At the same time the Tremere were dealing with the Lupines, a Brujah named Austin Steel and a Venture named Manfred Sheffield took on the Anarchs and Sabbat. Austin, Manfred and their allies were able to push back the revolutionists.
After the smoke settled from the purge, a Giovanni name Ambrogino appeared on scene. He was unlike any Prince the city, or even the Camarilla, had seen before.
I served Prince Kent for 60 years. I was, to my knowledge, the only Assamite to have ever served on a Primogen. The respect given to me by the former Prince spoke volumes in my opinion. My unlife has been surround by death and I have extinguished more lives than candles that burn at the Vatican. I am no stranger to it. The final night of the Purge had its fair share of death let me tell you.
I witnessed much courage and bravely rarely seen in our world. I equally saw cowardice and greed on a similar scale.
When the Lupines attacked the city on that first night, most younger kindred fell without so much as scratch to the Moon worshippers. The physical prowess of Lupines is something Kindred either underestimate and simply don't understand. I have seen one Werewolf tear through a pack of anarchs without so much as breaking a sweat.
As the news spread of the death of at least 12 kindred on that first night alone (not counting ghouls, servants or kine allies), Prince Kent had mobilized his army. Many calls went unanswered however as it became clear that deceit and subterfuge had already worked its spell on many. I remember speaking with the Prince that night and noting no answer from Max, the Brujah Primogen member nor Lucindra, Primogen of clan Gangrel.
I had learned that Max's silence was due to his fate of meeting final death at the hands of Torch, the leader of the Brujah gang called the Nightcrawlers. Rumours circulated that first night that Torch's hatred for Max stemmed from Torch's perception that Max was a sell out to the Venture and the "establishment".
We all had tasks during those fateful nights. I saw the Tremere mobilize at their Chantry and prepare for war. The Toreador huddled together at one of their nightclubs to save themselves. The Brujah took it upon themselves to settle old feuds. The Nosferatu, noble and courageous, stopped many Lupines and Sabbat under the city (those battles will never be properly told in my opinion). And the Ventrue, the poor Ventrue, they were picked apart first. I think it was personal as Prince Kent was one.
Andrew Greensberg, Ventrue Primogen, was tortured and gave up valuable information on other of his kind. The dominoes fell from there.
The second night/day was even worse. Another 15 or so kindred perished. Don't get me wrong, we had our victories here and there but the sheer numbers and organization of the war parties was something I've never seen. There was some great minds at work to make this event happen that I am sure.
The third day was the worst. I had information that Prince Kent's lair was under siege. I was across town and rush there as fast as I could. It was 11 in the morning.
Those scars from the sun still mark my body from that final fight. The Lupines were able to exploit the day time weakness of the Prince.
When I arrived at the Pyramid, the carnage had already begun. On the way up to the 47th floor, I counted at least 10 bodies, both Sabbat and Lupines, dispatched by either Jan Sobashi (Kent's personal body guard) or Kent himself.
As I arrived, I watched an unbelievable battle. I was overtaken immediately by two Lupines who held me against the wall. Inside the office chamber, I saw Nathan Kent, standing with his back to the grand windows, facing 4 Lupines and 7 Sabbat members. I don't know how many gun shots I heard but I can assure you many guns went empty.
Prince Kent, his immaculate suit, was torn to pieces, bullet holes and blood covered his body. His eyes were a fiery red and his fangs for all to see. The war party, confident in their numbers, skill and power, did not back down, despite Kent's powerful Presence.
The Lupines took turns attacking and cutting away at him. When he fell to his knees, a Sabbat member, who I can only think was the leader perhaps, bald , fat, and covered in blood, said "Leave him. His essence is mine!"
The Sabbat member stood over the bloodied Kent. The Prince was defeated. Crushed. Brought to his knees. Can you image a worse fate for a proud Ventrue? On his knees in front of his enemies. I'd rather meet final death.
Just before the bite of the leader on Kent, the Prince had one last fight in him....
I believe Kent killed 3 of the 4 lupines but one black haired Garou grabbed Kent's arm and ripped it from his shoulder. I then saw Kent's belly gutted open. In one last effort, The Prince detonated a grenade which shattered most of the black reflective windows on the 47th floor.
The Sabbat burst into flame. Some attempted to flee only to run into Kent who tossed them out the the windows-47 stories up. With Kent burning, the remaining Lupines surrounded him. The two that were holding me released. The room was fully engulfed in sunlight-the most I've ever seen.
Kent, with one last effort, physically grappled and attacked the Lupines. Kent was on fire, causing aggravated wounds to the werewolves. His very body was a weapon. He knew he was going to die so he decided to take as many with him as he could.
I tried to past the sun barrier but I could not. I was badly wounded, still smoking when I witnessed the death. Kent, holding onto the Lupine leader, leaped from the top of the building. Then, that is when I felt myself pulled from the Room.
It was Vanguard. He had also made his way to Kent's haven but he was too late. He used his powers of Obfuscation to hide us from the enemy. Before I succumbed to my wounds, I remember Vangard saying " I failed our Prince. I was not able to see this coming. This is unforgivable my friend. I am hollow. I have no purpose."
Then things went dark.